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No heroes fall from the sky, but mortals step forward

Feb. 13, 2020

On the front line of the epidemic, countless medical personnel stepped forward and bravely ran against the time to save patients.

There is also a group of people who carry the responsibility and charge ahead, using perseverance and payment to deliver warmth and strength, including employees of UE Medical.

 When UE Medical decided to start its truck to send the video laryngoscopes and disposable blades to Wuhan directly. Our hero, Yin Bin, stepped forward and accepted this assignment

In addition to delivering medical supplies, some of these UE Medical products had to be delivered directly to the local hospital in Wuhan. To deliver the relief supplies safely as soon as possible, Yin Bin did not drink or eat much all the way. When he was thirsty, he drank a little to moisten his throat, ate a piece of bread when he was hungry, and drove, except for a break at the gas station to refuel.

Because he deeply understood that he was participating in an epidemic race with the prevention and control of the blockade.
From the evening of February 10, he drove day and night for more than 15 hours to deliver all the supplies to the destination at 9 a.m. on February 11, completing this honorable task.



ADD:8 Youyi Rd, Baita Economic Development Zone, Xianju, Zhejiang 317300, China


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