May 13, 2022
Recently, at Qatar Conference on Airway Management in Special Circumstances, Prof. Abdelazeem Eldawlatly has shared his experience in airway management. In the lecture, he presented the case with the UE Video Laryngoscope TDC series as the airway management device.
Prof. Abdelazeem Eldawlatly is a professor of anesthesiology at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia with a special interest in Thoracic anaesthesia. He is the Editor in Chief of the Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia. , He participated in and organised and chaired many anaesthesia conferences and thoracic anaesthesia workshops nationally and internationally.
3 Generación Dispositivos Supraglóticos Video Máscara de Intubación
Congratulations to Prof.Gaszynski for publishing a new paper on VLM
UED-A Clinic Use on Morbidly Obese
Video laryngeal masks in airway management
Comparison of SaCoVLM ™ video laryngeal mask-guided intubation and i-gel combined with flexible bronchoscopy-guided intubation in airway management during general anesthesia: a non-inferiority study
First experience with the SaCo Video Laryngeal Mask airway – case series
Congratulations on the successful workshop of UED-A, UED-D, and VLM in the cadaver lab in Italy
VLM Feedback from Prof.Gaszynski: in morbidly obese
VLM Feedback from Prof. Pavel: quite impressed by the performance of the device!
Congratulations on the publication of Prof. Zuo's paper about VLM
VLM insertion on abdomine by first time user
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